Thursday, October 23, 2008


No, I didn't take this, but a friend showed it to me and it was too good not to post here. Think she looks guilty much?

Unfortunately, this image brings to mind childhood memories of when I accidentally caught the clubhouse on fire in my parent's backyard when I tried smoking a cigarette out there. I most definitely did not have the look of the girl above though. When I finally confessed, I was balling my eyes out because I felt so guilty. My little brother ended up taking the blame until I told my parents what I had done a few days later. I was supposed to be grounded for quite awhile, but lasted less than a week because I was a good kid and certainly learned my lesson. Thankfully our house didn't burn down; the clubhouse was only a few feet away!


Anonymous said...

Uh, shit. That's creeptastic. She totally did it.

Anonymous said...

Good kid, my ass. You were smoking a cigarette!!! You heathen.

Anonymous said...

Aaron, I can't believe you brought up your firestarter past. How is it that you didn't mention the book I made you about your problem?!?!? It is classic. I need to find it & then you can post pics of it, LOL. ~~Amy

thegetupkid said...

YES Amy, please find the book! I would scan it and post it in its entirety if you find it!!!

Anonymous said...

For some reason I think Angela might have it?? I don't think I do. I'll ask her.